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The Circle: Community of PLG Companies

DevRev Circle is a community of entrepreneurs, developers and investors who are passionate about learning and sharing their knowledge about product-led methodology to build successful businesses. The group provides resources, advice, and networking opportunities that can help your business achieve PLG goals. Come join us today on our Discord server and let's learn together.

Product-Led Articles

Articles on Product-led methodology

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  • 10 Product-Led Growth PLG principles in action

    10 Product-Led Growth PLG principles in action

    In the last few months, I seem to have developed an obsession with watching YouTube...

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  • How to build a Product-Led Growth (PLG) Operating System?

    How to build a Product-Led Growth (PLG) Operating System?

    I have written about the “Why” of Product-led Growth (PLG) and some fundamental...

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  • The Why and What of DevRev

    The Why and What of DevRev

    Not very long ago something seemingly trivial like making phone calls across the...

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  • Why should a developer be your first marketing hire?

    Why should a developer be your first marketing hire?

    “Will I be writing code for the product?” the first-ever candidate I was...

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  • Is this the marketing web stack of the future?

    Is this the marketing web stack of the future?

    tl;dr Jamstack front end like Gatsby and Nextjs+ Headless CMS seem to check off all...

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  • The anatomy of PLG SaaS

    The anatomy of PLG SaaS

    Explore the elements that make up the 300 best product-led growth SaaS companies

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Featured On-Demand Webinars

Community talks around Product-led methodology.

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  • Three predictions for the future

    Three predictions for the future

    A quick take on what are the top three predictions for the next couple of years from...

  • On Developer CRM

    On Developer CRM

    DevRev co-founders Dheeraj Pandey and Manoj Agarwal talks about what is Developer CRM

  • Things to consider while raising capital for your business

    Things to consider while raising capital for your business

    A fireside chat between Navin Chaddha of Mayfield Fund and Dheeraj Pandey, DevRev...

  • DevRev Day keynote - The Why and What of DevRev

    DevRev Day keynote - The Why and What of DevRev

    DevRev co-founders Dheeraj Pandey and Manoj Agarwal talk about the Why and What of...

  • DevRev Day - Lessons from the original PLG Company

    DevRev Day - Lessons from the original PLG Company

    Fireside chat with Abhay Parasnis, CTO & CPO of Adobe on Product-led growth and AI...

  • Building business around Commercial Open Source (COSS)

    Building business around Commercial Open Source (COSS)

    A fireside chat with CNCF Executive Director, Priyanka Sharma on building businesses...