Learnings from our journey as a startup

Technology, design, culture

  • The birth of a new platform for PLG  companies

    The birth of a new platform for PLG companies

    Rome wasn’t built in a day. Creation takes time. But it also takes energy, vision, and sometimes conflict, sacrifices, and constant experiments every step of the way.

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  • You have Jira. You like Slack.  You’ll love DevRev!

    You have Jira. You like Slack. You’ll love DevRev!

    Life owes itself to the magic of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen!

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  • The Why and What of DevRev

    The Why and What of DevRev

    Not very long ago something seemingly trivial like making phone calls across the globe required complex processes and integrations with different phone companies. Today, you can not...

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  • Why Product-led Growth Is Superior To The Traditional Sales-led Growth?

    Why Product-led Growth Is Superior To The Traditional Sales-led Growth?

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  • Top 10 Salesforce Alternatives and Competitors in 2022

    Top 10 Salesforce Alternatives and Competitors in 2022

    Salesforce has dominated the CRM market for many years. But we are now seeing niche Salesforce alternatives get more market share and recognition.

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  • 10 Zendesk Alternatives To Power Your Organization With Product-Led CRM

    10 Zendesk Alternatives To Power Your Organization With Product-Led CRM

    A new breed of product-centric tools that help companies become more customer-centric is disrupting traditional support tools. Here is a list of the top 10..

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  • Support & DevRev

    Support & DevRev

    The PLuG platform in DevRev was created by support people for support people. I’m going to outline three different support team structures I’ve worked with, pros and cons of each, and...

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  • We are live on Product Hunt

    We are live on Product Hunt

    Like any self-respecting middle-aged man, when I turned 40 a few years ago, I took up long-distance running. For me, this involved buying a lot of shoes and gadgets and one of them was...

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  • Choosing a Startup as an Introvert

    Choosing a Startup as an Introvert

    As an introvert, not every office environment is right for me.

    I’ve had some miserable experiences where I've felt trapped, uncomfortable, and unproductive because of my environment...

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  • DevRev Marketplace: connect with what matters

    DevRev Marketplace: connect with what matters

    My daughter was afraid to go to school. It was the first day of middle school, and suddenly from being the oldest in elementary school, she was the youngest, walking alongside the...

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  • The 3 essential functions of customer support tools for the growth-minded startup

    The 3 essential functions of customer support tools for the growth-minded startup

    In the product-led era, great customer support isn’t just good business practice, it represents an invaluable opportunity for growth. The latest research from Gartner finds that 64% of...

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  • Importance of DevCRM to Improve Employee Retention

    Importance of DevCRM to Improve Employee Retention

    Employee turnover is one of the major issues affecting tech companies today. According to a Linkedin study, the tech industry has the highest turnover rate out of any sector at more...

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  • A Budding Adventurer’s Guide to Frontend Development

    A Budding Adventurer’s Guide to Frontend Development

    Communicating effectively with the wise old sorcerers at your startup

    You are a humble newly-hired front end developer. Perhaps you’ve faced the gauntlet of higher education and...

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  • 7 Stages of Developing an AI Architecture for Product-Led Growth

    7 Stages of Developing an AI Architecture for Product-Led Growth

    “This is f***ing crazy. Every single player is seeing a different deal!” It was 2017, I had just deployed an AI-driven sales infrastructure for a gaming company, when I saw messages...

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  • A Technocrat's journey: Email, Jira, Slack, and the road ahead

    A Technocrat's journey: Email, Jira, Slack, and the road ahead

    We are well past peak Email. We hope to be past peak Jira. We are in peak Slack.

    The above statements are closer to where we currently are than not.

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  • Integrations: The glue of SaaS

    Integrations: The glue of SaaS

    Learn how integrations became the glue that binds the SaaS world and their importance to any SaaS startup.

    If you look at the offering of almost any SaaS company today, you will...

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  • What College Didn’t Teach Me

    What College Didn’t Teach Me

    I remember my first few weeks of college being completely different than I expected. I had taken computer science classes throughout high school and presumed that I would be at least a...

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  • Top 10 customer support tools of 2022

    Top 10 customer support tools of 2022

    Even in the Product-led era, as a business owner, your job doesn't end with building a solid product and releasing it to the public. Taking that extra step to build brand loyalty makes...

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  • The Pleasure of Writing

    The Pleasure of Writing

    With my recent career change  —  now going 0→1 at DevRev  —  I’ve taken to writing more and more for its cathartic value, a way to express my journey and reaffirm my commitment to...

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  • Product-led growth isn’t just for SaaS: how I pivoted from an SLG career to the world of PLG

    Product-led growth isn’t just for SaaS: how I pivoted from an SLG career to the world of PLG

    Consumer-grade experience is the future, regardless of the industry you may be in. It will be what customers expect as table stakes and how you align to high growth as a business...

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  • Circle Talk: Martin Gonto

    Circle Talk: Martin Gonto

    On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, members of the DevRev circle had an opportunity to meet and listen to Martin Gontovnikos. Gontovnikos previously worked with Auth0...

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  • Question First Approach to Data Gathering and Analysis

    Question First Approach to Data Gathering and Analysis

    When introducing data tracking into your product there are about 2 and a half approaches. List everything that happens/is clicked on that you can think of...

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  • Three key use cases of product-led (PLG) companies

    Three key use cases of product-led (PLG) companies

    At DevRev, we believe that any business can adhere to some essential principles to become a PLG or product-led company.

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  • The power of product-led business operations

    The power of product-led business operations

    Product-led growth is one of the biggest themes in the zeitgeist of contemporary software companies. Adopting a product-thinking mindset can transform a company’s ability to delight...

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  • Bug vs Feature Request - A distinction without a difference

    Bug vs Feature Request - A distinction without a difference

    Is there a difference between a bug and a feature request? Depends on who you ask and whether you come from a Product-Led Growth (PLG) mindset or not.

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  • How Slack redefined collaboration in software development

    How Slack redefined collaboration in software development

    Learn how Slack grew to dominate the software development collaboration space from dev-to-dev communication to customer service and how it can be even better.

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  • Six ways you can use GitHub data to stop the meeting madness

    Six ways you can use GitHub data to stop the meeting madness

    I love meeting people, don’t get me wrong. Especially as things open up, I cherish every connection and conversation more than ever before...

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  • 10 software development principles that power a Dev CRM

    10 software development principles that power a Dev CRM

    SaaS coupled with free pricing options has created a market for developers where they can quickly iterate with customers through their code to create apps at the speed of light. All...

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  • GitHub with DevRev, creativity at its best

    GitHub with DevRev, creativity at its best

    She brought a whole new meaning to living in harmony with nature. Following ancient tradition and making the most of each season’s givings, she grew her own food, crafted furniture,...

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  • Eight things I learned in eight months as an engineer at a tech startup

    Eight things I learned in eight months as an engineer at a tech startup

    8 is a lucky number in Chinese; It’s pronounced [bah] which sounds like the character for generating wealth [fah]. While my first 8 months at DevRev have not yet generated wealth in...

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  • My journey from CRM to Dev CRM

    My journey from CRM to Dev CRM

    Having spent nearly a decade building enterprise software, I continue to be motivated by the impact technology enables. My passion will always lead me to find ways to create products...

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  • How to build a Product-Led Growth (PLG) Operating System?

    How to build a Product-Led Growth (PLG) Operating System?

    I have written about the “Why” of Product-led Growth (PLG) and some fundamental principles in action in my previous blogs. In this article, let’s look at the “What” and the “How.” In...

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  • Why AI won’t replace developers And why it will make our lives better

    Why AI won’t replace developers And why it will make our lives better

    When someone brings up artificial intelligence, often what comes to mind are uncanny valley robots who are secretly plotting to overthrow their human overlords. The reality isn’t quite...

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  • 10 Product-Led Growth PLG principles in action

    10 Product-Led Growth PLG principles in action

    In the last few months, I seem to have developed an obsession with watching YouTube videos. I LOVE watching all kinds of inspirational videos and TED Talks whenever I can steal a few...

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  • Founding a company during the pandemic

    Founding a company during the pandemic

    Trying times often produce unique brands. Salesforce started in 1999, just before the infamous dot-com crash. Nutanix, Uber, and Slack were founded in 2009, in the trough of the global...

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  • Why should a developer be your first marketing hire?

    Why should a developer be your first marketing hire?

    “Will I be writing code for the product?” the first-ever candidate I was interviewing for our marketing team asked. I was mildly bothered. “Why does it matter?” I thought. Then I...

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  • If you believe

    If you believe

    Modena, a small town in Italy, is known for two unique characteristics. In some culinary circles, it is known for the balsamic vinegar that this town produces. But more prominently,...

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  • First discoverability, then serendipity

    First discoverability, then serendipity

    I am into my second month as an entrepreneur building a startup with my awesome co-founder. It’s early days, but it has been quite a ride learning and building the company one brick at...

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  • Designing for moments of serendipity

    Designing for moments of serendipity

    Building a company from ground-up is an excellent learning experience. You soon realize, for instance, that hiring a team member means you’re also embracing their families. A family...

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